WoW Classic The Post-Launch Updates » Discussions

Post-launch plans of World of Warcraft Classic

  • anqilan lan
    January 30, 2023
    We've already implemented some changes in the game , based on feedback. One of the most important things we were able to do in Heroes of the Storm was creating the potential of these Blizzard heroes to the best of our abilities buy WoTLK Gold. We had some criticism about Tyrael. We're making some changes in this and in the future to better match the fantasy characters. Of course, there's tons of balance feedback lots of feedback on how the metagame works, tons of feedback on how the map mechanics function. This is all tactical. I'm sure that you'll see changes based on community feedback.

    WoW Classic The Post-Launch Updates have been Outlined

    Blizzard has revealed the post-launch plans of World of Warcraft Classic , which includes regular packaged content drops. The MMORPG will receive additional content over six phases.

    "Our main focus is on power-progression of players, but we're also hoping to capture the experience of being able to be part of a community in the first WoW," Blizzard community manager Randy Jordan wrote in a forum post. "To accomplish this it is our intention to mimic the method used in the first WoW using patches that are paired together. We'll launch Classic with content from the first WoW up to patch 1.2.x The second update will include information from original WoW 1.3 and 1.4 and the third Classic update will contain 1.5 and 1.6 content in addition to the 1.5 and 1.6 content."

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    Blizzard hasn't revealed an exact launch date for phases two through six. The PvP content, too, is currently not part of any of the phases since Blizzard is "still looking at" all possible options to determine how PvP rewards could be handled. In the meantime, the first phase -- which is the launch of WoW Classic alongside its Molten Core, Onyxia, and Maraudon updates--is scheduled to launch in Summer 2019 buy WoW WoTLK Classic Gold.